Isn't is amazing to watch the world around us wake up in Spring? I am always so excited to go out each day and find new things sprouting, blooming, exploding full of color. There is a newness, a joy even, just to watching it!
As you can see, the azaleas have come alive in our front yard once again... I've watched the buds with anticipation now for almost a month, but the rain and sunshine of the last couple of days finally coaxed them into becoming these big beautiful snowballs and bursts of color. Stunning!My vegetable garden has all sorts of tiny seedlings popping up as well, and inside the house I have seeds started as well. Now is the perfect time to share new little plants with others and share this joy with them, whether it be flower plants, houseplant starters, extra vegetable seedlings or starters. Start a few and share a few! Just think how much joy it could bring to others... all from a little seed!