Friday, December 9, 2011


Reach out, share a smile, take a moment to talk to someone you normally don't.
Share the Gospel.  Be a light for the Lord.  Invite them to church with you, or just to share a cup of coffee and conversation.  Care.

I dare you. :)


Jen said...

one of my all time favorite songs. When I first became a believer I totally related to this video.

Traci S. said...

I can't resist a dare, Susan! I will call a friend I haven't talked to in over a year, and see if she would like to go to Christmas Eve Services!

Thanks for the encouragement! You are one of the best encouragers I know! Thanks for being a part of my life!

He IS Able!
Traci Starkweather

3 Give-Aways this week:

Traci S. said...

Wow~ I didn't see the website link. That song is so powerful! Praise God for music that tells of Him, and Praises Him! Thank you Susan...I love my Ash2Ash Cd's and listen to them all of the time! Music is an international language.

He IS Able!
Traci S.

3 Give-Aways this week: